Your transport business is flourishing. You are getting business from all parts of the country and your trucks, buses and other vehicles are plying across all possible routes. Great!! There should be a huge smile on your face. But what do we see – frown lines?


Your driver has to make a long distance trip for delivering a consignment for an important customer. For the refueling enroute and for the return trip, he needs to carry a large sum of cash. Now highway journey is replete with various threats and there risk to your money. Is this worrying you?


You are based in Haryana. Your truck is bound for Chennai. Your driver or truck encounters some unforeseen exigency mid way and the money given to the driver for fuel is spent. Fuel tank is almost empty and vehicle has to still reach the destination and travel back. And worst of all you don't have any contact there. Now what?


Business is thriving and your fleet is expanding. But monitoring the vehicle-wise fuel consumption and whereabouts of your vehicles all the time is a bit too time-taking. Accounting is slipping away from your hands. There is always some or the other discrepancy in the ledger. How to manage this ever-growing business, how to keep tab on drivers' transactions?


Fuel prices are increasing day by day. Some local petrol pumps extend facilities or rewards. But there are hardly any such offers to come by at the petrol pumps enroute. How good it would be if the rewards and facilities are available to customers uniformly all over the country.
If any of the above reasons are stealing the smile from your face, then DriveTrack Plus is the fitting solution to do away with all your worries. It gives you the facilities of cashless fuel purchase, vehicle tracking, easy accounting, convenient cash management and fabulous rewards and all this right at your desk.

DriveTrack Plus card is here to remove all these frown lines from your face and bring that smile right back on your face.